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Computer Disk Drive Jumper Settings

I'll like to discuss about a common problem faced when using two or more CD-ROMs or Hard disk drives in a system unit. 
   When two hard disks, for example, are connected to the motherboard with one SATA, PATA or IDE cable, there's possibility for one of the two to read/write. 
   It might not be that the other that can't read/write is faulty.

You can also read a about Computer Storage Optimization.

Checking up connected devices in BIOS settings might even display just one of the hard disks. If both CD-ROMs or Hard disk drives are ascertained of being in perfect condition then the problem might be the JUMPER SETTINGS. 
    What are jumpers and how can you identify them on your CD-ROMs or Hard disk drives? 
   Jumpers are conductors for bridging circuit. They are used to permit some settings. You can find jumpers at the back of your CD-ROM or Hard disk drive in some pins. The pins are usually four in number. 

Warning: Be careful when removing those kind of jumpers because you can easily misplace them.‼️
    Now you know where a jumper is and what they do. How do they affect the functions of drives sharing a single connector to the motherboard?

    If you look closely, you'll see something like Master (M), Slave (SL) and Cable Select (CS). 
While connecting two drives with a single connector to the motherboard, one the drives must be in the Master setting and the other in the Slave jumper setting. If both are on Master setting, only the Primary Master will be selected by your system and the other will not read/write data. It's advisable you set one to be master and the other to be slave. After all, you can't have two Masters in a house...  The other must be the servant. If you are not sure of where to place your jumper, then you can use the cable select pin. This will give the system the option to automatically decide which should be the master or slave. 
I hope that solves someone's problem?
If you've ever experienced the "hoax" of jumper setting, please write your comments and let everyone in this community know how you solved it.
