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Showing posts from September, 2022

Intel CPU Naming Scheme You Should Know Before Laptop Purchase

     Before purchasing a laptop, there are several features you look out for that will suit your need. The Central Processing Unit (CPU ) is one of the major components you should look out for if you want to get value for the money you'd spend. Before deciding on which CPU would be needed, most people go by price only. There are other little technical things you need to know aside price of CPU before purchasing that laptop.     The most common CPU in the market is the Intel® CPU . The close competitor is AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) but I want to show you how to read the meaning of Intel CPU model number so that you can determine which one to settle for. The most common Intel CPU brands are grouped into Celeron™ , Pentium™  and Core ™ . The other one not very common is Xeon™. 🛑 Celerons  are the least powerful and they are meant for menial office works like typing and data entry. They can hardly be used for editing pictures. They will do but it'll be very slow. Goi

Avoid These 3 Things to Preserve Your Laptop Battery's Health

1.   Extreme heat : Heat is a very dreaded enemy of any modern battery like the Lithium Ion battery. Heat distrupts the chemistry of the battery and declines the lifespan. To solve this, make sure your PC's cooling system is very much functional. Clear dust from the cooling fan or heat sink, add cooling paste when it has dried out, replace the fan if its speed(rpm) has reduced so that excess heat will be expelled easily. While using your laptop, try to place it on an inclined stand or a thick book since you won't always go around with a stand. This is very advisable especially when charging it because more heat is expelled during charging. Most of the heat comes from the processor (CPU). The base of the laptop near the screen will be above on the stand or book and the palm rest will be inclined downward. This will make the air vent under the chassis free from any surface and there will be free outflow of heat. Related: How To Monitor Your Laptop Battery Health  2 .